Annual General Meeting

According to the  Ontario Condominium Act, "The board shall hold a general meeting of owners not more than three months after the registration of the declaration and description and subsequently within six months of the end of each fiscal year of the corporation. 1998, c. 19, s. 45 (2)." At any Annual General Meeting, an owner "may raise for discussion any matter relevant to the affairs and business of the corporation.

At the end of the Minutes please find the Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Changes in Net Assets,  Statement of Operations, and Statement of Reserve Fund Operations.


Below please find the text of the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting for York Condominium Corporation No. 83 for 2009 




JUNE 23, 2009


It was agreed by the members present that Stephen Stern act as Chairperson for the meeting.


It was agreed by the members present that Jeannine Kirkwood act as Secretary of the meeting.


Steve asked those present at the Head Table to introduce themselves.

Logan was present from the accounting firm Senathi & Associate.

Members present from the Board of Directors:

     Nicole Ross, Shelagh Reddy, and Fernando Gonçalves.

Members present from Bonita Property Management:

     Stephen Stern, John LaBarge, and Jeannine Kirkwood.


Notice of this meeting was mailed to each member of the Corporation, the Mortgagee, and the Auditor, as per attached Proof of Notice.

Steve Stern read the Notice of Meeting to those present.


The Scrutinizers report indicates that a quorum is present; 30 in person and 17 by proxy for a total of 47. Therefore, this Annual General Meeting of Members of York Condominium Corporation No. 83 is regularly called and properly constituted to conduct business from the commencement thereof.


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.


Motion was made to dispense reading of the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on June 23, 2008.

Moved: Unit 99

Seconded: Unit 109              


Fernando asked for a Motion to amend last year’s minutes from No to Yes

Moved:  Unit 99

Seconded:  Unit 205            CARRIED

Motion was made to accept Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on June 23, 2008.

Moved: Unit 269

Seconded: Unit 219             CARRIED


Logan of Senathi & Associate presented this report.

Logan: On behalf of Senathi & Associate’s I would like to thank the Members and owners for your business. Then Logan proceeded to read the report.

Unit 109:  On page 2, 2nd sentence most of the entries are from the Reserve fund. Shouldn’t it say “for” instead of “from”? 

Logan:  Yes, it’s safe to say “for” the Reserve fund.

Unit 109:  Why such a large increase in office and bank charges? Fernando: Due to photocopying, stamps, envelopes, repeat notices etc. John: If you want to think of it like this, there was hardly any copying being done with the previous Property Management Company.

Unit 99: Page 3, audit fees, and some legal fees. What are the legal fees for? 

Steve: The legal fees are for liens against homeowners. Eventually the homeowner pays these charges when they pay off the liens against them.

Unit 99: Page 4, Reserve Fund Deficiency of Revenue & Expenses, General Finance. Shouldn’t that read as a surplus and not a deficit? Logan: Yes it should, my mistake.

Unit 109: Page 5; in 2007 we had nothing in GIC bearing interest. How come we found $100,000 in 2008? I mean I’m glad we got that but where did it come from? 

Fernando:  We found $47,000 sitting in the Bank of Montreal that the previous board misplaced. 

Logan:  After the AGM it was decided to transfer $100,000. 

Steve: If I’m not mistaken it was just sitting in the operating or reserve account doing nothing so we made a recommendation to the board to invest it.

Unit 99: Security of $95.00, how much does it cost if they come out? John: $32.00 per visit.

Unit 99: Are they the ones in the rent a cop cars? I’ve seen one once in the last 2 years. 

Fernando: They always use different cars and people never the same thing, never the same time, never the same person either. That’s what they told me. Each monthly bill they attach a report saying which unit and license plate of the cars in violation.

Unit 99: Why do they have to have our cars registered? If it’s in your own driveway, why do they need my license plate? 

Fernando: So they know it’s an owner’s car and not someone who doesn’t belong there.

Unit 99:  If I have a visitor in my driveway it’s none of their business. 

Steve:  We are not talking about your driveway we’re talking about visitors parking. 

Fernando: If you have a visitor and that person requires parking overnight and then you tell them the license plate for your unit and then they’ll know that this license plate is connected with your unit and when they see this car they won’t do anything because you’ve registered it. That’s all you have to do. If a car is there that wasn’t registered then you’re going to get a ticket.

Unit 99:  Why do owners have to register? 

Fernando:  That is only to make sure for a quick way to know that this person is a homeowner. Because if they don’t have your license plate number they will have to go through the specs to find out if that car is supposed to be there or not.

Unit 99:  That makes it easier for them to give us tickets. 

Steve:  It’s not a matter of giving you a ticket. 

Unit 109: That’s only if the homeowner is parked in the visitor’s parking.

Unit 99:  Exactly, that’s what I was saying.

Unit 219: On July 1, 2007 weekend, I got a ticket on June 30th and another one on July 1st. I got 5 tickets and went to court and nobody from the parking authority showed up. Parking authority should use some common sense. At 10:00 pm are there going to be any visitors? Steve:  Before we go any further on this matter, are there any questions left for the auditor?

Logan left at 7:45pm.

Motion was made to accept the Auditors Report and Financial Statement for the fiscal year ended December 2008 and to reappoint Senathi & Associate as the corporation auditor.

Motioned: 109

Seconded: 237       


Comments from the President/Board of Directors

Fernando:  Instead of reports the website has had many sites:  Official website of YCC 83. Every time there is a request, we get estimates. John gives unit number and service form 4 with costs and details so if you want to see where the money went I am handing out 5 booklets for you to look at but please return them to me at the end of the meeting.

Unit 109: Isn’t that illegal to have information about other people’s units? You shouldn’t put the unit numbers you should use the legal designation. 

Steve: We’ll look into this.

Unit 99: Line 16, unit 99 Basement leak, and window replaced. This was not done. 

John: I think it was unit 109. I’ll double check and correct it.

Steve: I’d like to ask you to please hold all your questions until the end of the meeting so we can get back to the President’s report.

Election of Directors to the Board

Steve:  The person who has submitted their name to be a candidate to the Board of Directors is Marilyn Brown. Marilyn are you here tonight? Stand up and say hi. Okay, thank you very much. Now we know who Marilyn is. Since we didn’t receive any other notices with regards to candidates I’m going to open up the floor for nominations to the Board from the floor. Is anybody interested in coming aboard and joining the Board of Directors? 

Mr. Brawley, unit 219

Steve:  Okay to make this official can I have a nomination from somebody on the floor to nominate Mr. Brawley?

Move to nominate Mr. Brawley to the Board of Directors.

Motioned: Unit 99

Seconded: Unit 109           


Motion to Close Nomination for individuals for the Board of Directors

Motioned: Unit 199

Seconded: Unit 99              Carried

Steve: At this time I would like to welcome Mr. Brawley and Miss Brown to The Board of Directors for the upcoming year and positions will be decided at the next Board meeting.

Unit 109:  Could we just get to know something about the two people? Well, I know about Mr. Brawley but what about Marilyn Brown? Steve:  Okay Marilyn do you want to stand up and say hello and introduce yourself?

Marilyn Brown:  Hello. I’ll tell you a little about myself. I have been a chair of a credit union board for 25 years. I am part of an Audit committee. I currently sit on a Board. I’m a manager in a communication area. 

Steve:  Welcome aboard. Does everybody know Mr. Brawley? Stand up and introduce yourself.

Mr. Brawley:  I have lived here for 33 years and approximately 20 years ago or so I served on the Board for 3 or 4 years. Today I’ll give you a chance to retract your thing because I am not in favour of blanket freezing spending. I feel things have to be done and if you’re not happy with that then I will quite happily step down. I’m not in favour of overspending or recklessly spending but if it has to be done then it has to be done.

Steve:  Welcome aboard. At this point in time I’m going to open up the floor for general questions and comments. I ask you to be respectful to your fellow unit owners. Stating your name and unit number and we will try to get through this as soon as possible and in an orderly fashion.

General Questions and Comments

Unit 159: My windows in the basement. It said that 3 times you replaced it. I called them to come and repair it but they didn’t come. John: I’ll have to check back on it tomorrow why they have not contacted you. Unit 159: Yes please and thank you.

Unit 83: Communication between Bonita and us is inaccurate; the contractor only changed the windows not the drywall. Bonita should ask the unit owners if the job is complete before paying the contractor. 

Steve:  Okay, thank you very much.

Unit 97: I have reported many times my roof leaking at home. I thought that this was from the spring but it’s still leaking. I gave the email and today I gave you paperwork to repair myself. 

Steve:  Could I ask a question?

Unit 97: And my window has a problem too. 

Steve:  Okay, can I ask you a question? You sent an email today?

Unit 97:  No.John:  This email here was sent on June 20th to Eastway Property Management.  

Steve:  Who’s Bruce?

Unit 97:  I don’t know. It was sent 2 or 3 years ago. John:  It says here on the email June 20, 2009.

Unit 97:  The management has to take care of the whole thing. 

Steve:  Yes, but if you send an email to Bruce over at Eastway we won’t know about it.

Unit 97:  Whatever. 

Steve:  It’s not whatever.

Unit 97:  It’s okay; you want me to give it to you again right, this list of problems? 

Fernando:  But there is no answer.

Unit 97:  And the one time I seen this gentleman on the road I say come in to here check my roof, that’s important. He said give me the email I just look and I don’t take care of that that’s the answer. I do construction too but I don’t like that. 

Fernando:  Two things; in 2009 there was no answer at unit 97 so the contractor tried to contact someone but there was no answer. 

Steve:  Nobody’s home, nobody’s answering the door.

Unit 97:  That’s because you didn’t make an appointment with us. 

Fernando:  And this email was sent to Eastway.

Unit 97:  And my window, anyway, you give me back the letter and I’ll send it again. I don’t care.

Another unit owner:  Wouldn’t your contractor call you to let you know when they are coming? 

John:  They come and if no one is home they leave a note on the door.

Unit 97:  What is the correct email? 


Steve: I’ll give you my card after the meeting. You can send me an email and I’ll direct it to John and make sure he gets it.

Unit 97: Okay.

Unit 233:  For the past 36 years of maintenance no Property Management or the Board was able to fulfill the Reserve fund. In my opinion it could have helped to pay the increases. The newsletter is not written by the Property Management or the Board but by one person all the time. We do not want it. We are mature and have sufficient knowledge to do what we want. We shall have assessment and asking for lots of money from the repeaters for loans gone bad. Records for repair I think the request and any notice and stick a note on the door. I’d like to point out in the back of our house the numbers have been putting. I don’t know who made this? 

Steve:  What I’m going to do is I’m going to comment on your first point. With regards to increases; every year when it comes budget time there are certain items that are within the Boards control and within Managements control and there are certain items that are not. We as individuals whether it be Board or Management, whether you are living in a single family home or whatever cannot control what the government does with regards to Hydro, Gas, Water and Sewer. The City of Toronto, last year said it would increase water every year for the next 5 years. Last year’s water increase was 9%. Insurance goes up and that’s another staple item that’s not within our control. At the end of the day you’ve got to realize that the money has to come from someplace. We try to keep the increase as low as 2% to 3% on a yearly basis. It’s not us taking the money. The corporation is doing things and paying bills on your behalf. So to keep it at a zero increase it’s very difficult and virtually impossible. You’re a 35 plus year old Condominium Corporation. Repairs need to be done on a yearly basis. We must follow the Engineers Report with regards to the Reserve Fund Study and we’ve got to keep up with the expenses. Again, the money’s got to come from somewhere. We try and massage the figures throughout the entire budget so the increase is not that expensive.

Unit 233:  Your comments on that, the landscaping is not under your control? We started at $30,000 now we are paying $52,000. To do a certain amount of work but they are not doing all their work. 

Steve:  The thing is between now and 20 years ago labour costs have increased. Gas charges have increased so are you expecting that the contractors keep the prices from 20 years ago?

Unit 233:  But they have reduced what they are doing like salting. 

Steve:  Salting is a completely different animal. Things change on a yearly basis. Prices increase, there is a cost of living increase, and gas prices are hitting the roof. Again, so you’ve got to understand 20 years ago you might have been paying $0.20 per litre if they were even calculating in litres at that point in time.

Unit 233:  True enough but at the same time. 

Steve:  Okay so now it’s changed, you’re up to $0.97 a litre today and two days ago it was $1.01 but you have to see that they are doing the same amount of work.

Another unit owner:  This is his point we are paying more for less. 

Steve:  I understand but I don’t have the contract in front of me to understand exactly what.

Another unit owner:  Somebody has to police it, that’s the main thing. 

Steve:  You’re right. It’s a matter of policing and I understand completely okay but what was done 20 years ago is certainly not done today and the same with costs. So again what we can control we try and control and there are things we can’t control.

Unit 91:  These are things that should go in the newsletter of what has changed. 

Anything significant like that which has been brought up in a meeting such as this I think, very good information your owners are requesting some explanation of different fees and that I think is information sharing. Any significant changes of services or a large increase should be put in the newsletter. 

Shelagh:  But if there were a change it would be in the newsletter. I think what Raoul is trying to say is perhaps maybe he’s seeing that this company is not up to par in his eyes. In that case as a unit owner who notices that this wasn’t done or that wasn’t done you should communication to the Management Company and bring it to their attention. But if there were a major change in services of course we would inform you, like the hiring of a new company.

Unit 91:  But not even that, I mean it’s not just the changes in service. I mean I understand what you are saying what I’m just trying to merely explain is whether there is a change in services or not. You do know there is an incredible increase in the services cost then maybe this sort of information saying that you know we just want to let you know that we are incurring such a significant cost of these services. To let the owners know. 

Steve:  Okay, I understand where you are coming from. When the Board and Management sit down to do budgets, when a final decision is made with regards to budgets and this is just one point there is a covering letter with the budget explaining why there is an increase. There is an explanation in there as to why the increase. 

Shelagh:  We explained the increase of the garbage when that happened. 

Fernando:  That was an increase that we did know was coming. 

Steve:  In certain cases there are a lot of things for example what just happened? Two days ago was not budgeted. When the garbage goes on strike at the end of the day we have to make a decision in order to see what the best interest is for the corporation. So this is an unforeseen expense. Other expenses when there are increases it is noted in the budget covering letter.

Unit 91: I understand and with all due respect, the only suggestion that’s being raised here is that we don’t want to know every minute something is changed. We want to know that if something significant has changed that affects us. Another unit owner: You should be on the Board to find out what’s going on. All I’m asking, as a new owner in this corporation is that the sharing of information should be passed on either from the Management Company or the Board of Directors. 

Steve: Okay. 

Unit 91:  I’m not looking for any justification. I’m not looking for you to explain the government increases. All I’m saying is that perhaps any situations where the owners are saying why are there changes or why do we have to pay. Perhaps what would be easy to do is also make that communication in the newsletter. 

Shelagh: It is put in the newsletter those types of changes. When there are cost increases. I mean we try and put that in the newsletter. Fernando; For example, I don’t think you want in the newsletter that as of next month if you replace the garage door it will go from $678 to $897. Is that what you want to know?

Unit 91:  Yes.

Unit 269: Waste Management. I got an invoice from the city about the rebates for my unit. 

Fernando:  Those 16 units have been done properly since the beginning. We at the other ones are going through the “farce”.

Unit 269: Right, I understand this but is there going to be an increase in my fees? 

Fernando:  No, we were talking about the garbage strike. 

Steve: When the budget is set for the yearly basis there’s no increase throughout the year. At the end of the year when it comes down to budgets there’s going to be an increase. You will be notified of the difference. What we are trying to do here is we are trying to inform people as best as possible because right now first of all even without the strike the garbage situation is a complete mess as it is. 

Steve:  The city doesn’t even know what they are doing.

Unit 269: I understand. Steve:  So we are trying to inform as best as our ability to future costs and letting people know what’s happening that we know. I seem to remember reading something about in August we would get an invoice. 

Fernando:  Because when the garbage bins first started to go with the building with a water bill. But we don’t get a water bill. So now blocks bill it so I said from now on if one block gets billed for 1 bin or 16 bins. It’s taken months and actually I was the one to show them how to do it. We aren’t the only ones they’ve written 5,000 accounts in the same situation. Now they have devised individual accounts to unit 73, 75, 77 etc. Now you get a bill. There will be a rebate in the large, medium, and small bins. Choose the right one. If it’s not the right one, call. I got charged for the large even though I have a medium and I called now with the strike we have to hire somebody to take the garbage away.

Unit 269:  Of course I understand that. 

Fernando:  You know the $5,000 in recycling we had to do last year? We could not expect that in the budget. All of a sudden we have to do it. Shelagh: Certain expenses occur during the year that we just can’t control.

Unit 269:  What was wrong with the recycling last year? 

Fernando:  We had to hire our own recycling people because the city stopped doing it. They do bins but we don’t have bins.

Unit 99:  Isn’t that what the contingency fund is for? 

Fernando:  When we did the budget we didn’t think of that so there was no contingency fund for it.

Unit 99:  I’d like to say with regards to the garbage pickup, is the city going to take any kind of responsibility at all for their trucks gouging the roads when they use that lift? 

Fernando:  The roads are our responsibility.

Unit 99:  For years Fernando you have told us we couldn’t have city pickup. That we did not have the infrastructure, our roads have never been in worse condition and now on garbage day we have 3 trucks come over them. On recycling day we have 2 trucks come over and they don’t come over once they co up that way and down the other. 

Fernando:  They are supposed to have lighter, smaller trucks.

Unit 99:  Oh you’ve seen them eh? 

Steve:  That’s what we’ve been told. 

Fernando: What I think we should do on the road but again do we have the money to repair properly, no.

Unit 219: I’d like to respond to the person complaining about the landscaper’s budget. They are not getting over paid. For several years now their budget has been in the neighbourhood of $50,000 and that’s going back at least 5 years. So certainly over 5 years I don’t know about anybody else but most of my expenses have gone up more than the landscaping bill. So I don’t believe they are being over paid. In response to somebody saying they don’t salt anymore they’re getting paid for it but it’s not being done. My complaint is they salt too much. For my dogs to walk on the path, there are places where the salt has killed the grass and because we haven’t increased the fees to all them to re-sod, that stayed there. A year ago all last summer the grass area in front of the parking lot was bare from when they moved that winters snow back from the parking lot. It never got replaced probably because it wasn’t in the budget because we didn’t increase their allotment. This year as soon as the snow was gone they put soil and seed down and that area is back to what is should be. So certainly they are doing their job

Unit 251:  About my window, John came yesterday but this report says the windows have been replaced. John: Your door was changed. Unit 251:  Yes, there’s a correction. 

John:  The windows have not been done yet, I will correct this.

Unit 253:  A puddle on my garage roof stays there all the time and when I called John they came and checked and said that today the weather is so hot that it will evaporate. But there’s still water there and mosquitoes and the water is turning green. Staying there all the time and the way it’s been fixed when you look it flows away from the drain. It’s supposed to go down the drain. When I told the guy he said to phone management. My son emailed management. 

Steve & John: Okay, we will look at it.

Unit 253:  The drain isn’t blocked it flows away from the drain. 

John & Steve: We’ll look at it and send the guy back to correct it.

Unit 253:  Thank you.

Unit 215: About a month ago I got an email from John saying that someone will come to my house to look at my windows but nobody has come yet. 

John: Have they left you a note to say why? 

No, I didn’t see any note. 

John: I’ll have to check and see if there was a note.

Unit 215: I also sent another email. 

John: If they come and no one’s home they will leave a paper.

Unit 215: I was home the whole day waiting. 

John: But have you received a piece of paper?

Unit 215: No. 

Steve & John: Okay.

Unit 215: So will you fix another day for me? 

John: They’ll come and if you’re not there they’ll leave a paper or you can phone in and make arrangements with the office. After you receive that paper, if you’re not home, contact our office.

Unit 199: When I first started living here the maintenance fees were $50. It has gone up so it should go up because I don’t know of anybody who’s wages are going back. Things are more expensive. The people we have doing the work have done a good job. They shouldn’t complain. 

Fernando: the Corporation on the other side of Finch. They just replaced their windows. Every single unit. Do you know the reason why? Their maintenance fees are in the $400 range. The same builder as ours built them. They are very similar to our construction and age wise. So they decided instead of doing a bit at a time they figured out how much it would cost and passed it on to the owners. The plan and increase for their plan.

Unit 109:  You can’t compare one development with another development. They have all their windows, all their doors, all their roofs and their roads are in perfect condition. And the average cost is $225, so you can’t compare corporations.

Unit 99:  How many units are there?

Unit 109: 225.

Unit 99: Twice as many as here. 

Steve: You can’t compare the number of units and you can’t compare deterioration from one property to the next.

Unit 109: June 6, 2008 newsletter: the landscaper says to water the grass everyday and we wonder why we have large water bills.

Unit 99: Since the landscapers don’t have anything to do with garbage. No new contract up to last year. Which costs are billed into their fees? Second part, we are going to pay bin fees – maybe the landscapers can pay for the 1st year’s fees? 

Steve: We will discuss this in a Board meeting when they know how much to pay. Another unit owner: We have some of the lowest fees; high maintenance fees don’t bring the value of the property down. 

Fernando: I have a list drawn up, showing repairs from 1999-2007. In 9 years only 63 roofs and 9 front doors out of 105 units have been taken care of. In the past little to nothing was being done.

Unit 91:  A small leak in my basement was reported to Eastway and then to Bonita. I spoke to Steve. It wasn’t coming from the window well. Why did they repair the window well? At the AGM last year my basement completely flooded. Nobody listened to me. I left messages several times. I gutted the basement and John came in the end of November. It was in the basement wall not the window well. The problem was that I called and they said it was the Boards fault. The Board members said they knew nothing about it. I just wanted to explain, I didn’t need an explanation. 

Steve: I appreciate the comments, we are all learning and if something fell through the cracks, we are sorry. Hopefully nobody will have to go through that again.

Unit 91: I accept your apology. Now I have to cover all expenses. But I have to pay for mold and damages that insurance won’t cover.

Unit 219: Regarding the current garbage situation. 

Fernando: You will receive a notice tomorrow. 

John: They have requested everything be put into a plastic bag. Bottles, cans, everything no recycling and please do not put it out in the containers. Just bags because this truck isn’t equipped to pick up the containers. 

Fernando: Not tomorrow, the next week. 

John: Next Thursday.

Unit 269: I’m a Construction tradesman myself. Poor work is something I do not tolerate. 

John: Some of the people you retain put it in writing that certain standards have to be met. Please have them policed. Somebody should check the work they are doing and make sure they are cleaning up after themselves.

Unit 187: the landscapers before picked up Garbage. Now every unit owner pays for himself or herself. So now can we lower down the cost for landscaping? 

Fernando: We already discussed that. The landscaper gives the contract for whatever they’re going to do for whatever amount they charge. They do not offer the contract after the garbage. The next contract will be no garbage pickup. 

Steve: There was a big uproar about changing landscapers.

Unit 109: By some people. 

Fernando: Now since we have to deal with the garbage we hired Algonquin that was totally separate. And then we had to do the recycling. And now the strike. 

Steve: I just want to make a comment. In regards to and not insulting anybody let’s look at it from this side of the table. It’s easy to be on that side of the table when you see the numbers and you see the discrepancies in the numbers. But if you come on this side of the table you’ll get a better perspective why certain things are being done and why certain things aren’t being done. I invite anybody who wants to see this side of the table to put their name forward. Come on down, stay a year, see what’s happening, see what’s being discussed, and see the decisions that have to be made. It’s very easy to sit on one side and criticize but if you come on this side and I’m going to complement every Board member not only here but also on the other corporations we deal with for their time. They volunteer and the effort it takes for what they have to deal with. All the nonsense and garbage (literally) that occurs. It’s not just on a monthly basis that they sit around. There’s email flying back and forth on a daily basis. So if you think it’s easy to criticize, come on down, spend a year. 

Shelagh: You can actually come to a Board meeting if you want. You are welcome. You don’t have to be a Board member. 

Steve: See what happens, see what goes on. 

Shelagh: We don’t just sit around. 

Steve: Your comments and suggestions are valid. We’re going to take it back and discuss but look at it from our perspective here. They’re homeowners just like you. They aren’t getting paid. They have the same issues you do. The Board will discuss everything that’s been said tonight.

Fernando: Painting. We do a walk about in May/June looking at the front and back of units and report. Then some people notice that more than one family live there, a roommate or rooming houses. We know of 2 maybe 6, we’re not sure. Legally we cannot go in and see how many people live there. So those 2 or 6 units are now using more utilities but they are still paying the same as a single-family unit like you and I. There are 2 people who conduct business from their garages don’t deny it. We see it but there is nothing we can do about it. They leave their cars in the visitors parking overnight they get a ticket they complain they call me all the time. There’s nothing I can do about it. You are parked in the wrong place at the wrong time, you get a ticket. Live with it. You get 2 parking spaces per unit garage and driveway. Some of us have 3. Visitors are for visitors. So we have problems. So painting in my 205 unit almost every item was peeling paint. It needs re-painting. The last time we did the painting it was $64,000 we had a 17-page contract. What happened was that someone did not go daily to see what was done at the end of the day? Who’s responsible for that-the Manager? I do not know. But the painting is necessary this time it’ll be in the $90,000 area. Unit 109: Rails need painting as well.

Unit 99: We were told that when the fence went around the property went up that we paid a lot of money at the time that this fence would be maintained. When was the last time it was freshly painted? 

Fernando: We okay 99% of the requests sent in. 

Shelagh: We usually take 2 days’ to discuss and get back to John all requests.

Unit 109: The new unit numbers installed could be bigger. 

Steve: The large numbers cost more money.

Unit 237: Who is responsible for painting after drywall repairs? 

John: It depends on what it was caused by.

Unit 237: the roof caused mine. 

John: Was it inspected?

Unit 237: Contractor said painting is not their responsibility. 

Fernando: It is replaced to the original specifications. 

John: It goes back to the original specifications, just prime or white paint. 

Fernando: Doors, some places have white. It costs $200 more for brown so eventually they will all be white.

Unit 99: I have a new door and it gets scuffed easily, can it be painted? 

John: Yes it can be painted. 

Fernando: By the proper person with the proper paint.

Unit 219: We do have control over the quality of what’s being installed.

Unit 187: My bedroom window was leaking and my floor was wet. Management said they would send a guy but no action was done. I asked for replacement window. I phoned several times. Requests were sent by phone and e-mail. 

John: Have they left a note on your door?

Unit 187: Yes. 

John: Was the window inspected?

Unit 187: No, I repaired it myself.

Unit 255: 25 years ago the numbers were put up. It’s difficult to see the new, smaller numbers. We need bigger numbers put up. 

Fernando: Decide on the size and type of numbers, all 16 units have to agree on them and then we will have to have 65% of you to change the corporation by-law to have the bigger numbers put up. Many previous boards were asked to remove the numbers; we were the ones to follow the by-law. 

Steve: As long as they are uniform.

Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 pm, as there were no further business.

Moved: Unit 269

Seconded: Unit 109               CARRIED

UPDATED: June 24, 2010